A TCN’S pocket guide to success in Hungary
Navigating the ‘Work Permit’ in Hungary – Part 3: What do TCNs need to do?

In our last article, Part 2 – Popping the “Big Question” to your Hungarian Employer, we went into the nitty gritty of how and what to ask your future employer when you are applying for an employment RP. We listed those documents that you cannot fill out and submit alone, and must be done in coordination with your new employer. If you have not read part two yet, please take a moment to read it first! You will need to submit the documents listed in the previous article, as well as those listed in this one. Don’t worry, we’ll be right here waiting for you when you get back 😉
So, now that you’ve got your employer working on these documents, what should you be doing? Well, there are of course a bunch of other documents that you need to compile. You can get someone to help you put these documents together (for a fee), but it’s really not necessary. For the most part, the majority of TCNs can put the necessary documents together with no problem once they understand what they need to do. You see, while the Immigration Office website does list the entire employment RP procedure and requirements in English, they are written in a way that leaves even native English speakers questioning their mother-tongue fluency. So, the SVF MIraGE team sat down with the list and broke it down for you! Below you can find the document categories you will come across, as well as the specific forms that you will need to submit.
General Application Documents
There are two basic documents that you need to submit.
- A completed and signed application for residence permit and appendix 10[1]
- A full copy of valid passport[2]
We also suggest that you submit a copy of your last residence permit. This last document isn’t required, but it’s never a bad idea to submit.
Documents supporting legal employment
These documents basically establish that there is a legit job offer and that you have the qualifications necessary to do the work.
- In Part 2 – Popping the “Big Question” to your Hungarian Employer, we explained that you need to submit a “pre-contractual agreement” with your employer. We list this document here as well because, while some employers are happy to create this contract on their own, some organizations will want your help with this. So don’t be surprised if you find yourself “writing” your own contract.
- Certified copies of educational qualifications (translated officially into Hungarian)
- A copy of your CV
Documents supporting the financial conditions necessary to live in Hungary
These documents basically show the person reviewing your application that you have the financial resources necessary to live in Hungary. While it is required to prove that you have enough money to live in Hungary, you can actually prove your financial stability in a bunch of different ways. Here are just a few:
- A bank certificate issued by a Hungarian or foreign bank
- A certificate issued by a previous employer and/or the tax authority with respect to regular income from abroad
- A signed affidavit from your immediate family stating that they will support you in the case that you cannot support yourself (this should be submitted with bank statements proving they have enough money to support you, no matter your circumstances in Hungary).
These documents are very important if you have a low starting salary. If you can prove that you have additional sources of financial support (besides your salary), it’s always a plus. It shows that you will be able to support yourself throughout your stay in Hungary and you will not become a burden to the State.
Documents demonstrating Hungarian accommodation
Through these documents, you will need to prove that you already have a place to stay in Hungary. Obviously, every TCN has different living situations, so there are many different types of documents that you can submit to meet this requirement. We’ve listed just a few below.
If you own property:
- A document evidencing the ownership of a flat
- A contract of sale and purchase of a real estate and state approval for acquiring the real estate
If you are renting a flat/dorm room:
- A rental agreement[3]
- A document approving the use of the flat by courtesy[4]
- A document evidencing the availability of a reserved and paid place of accommodation[5]
- Certificate proving the place in a dormitory
Documents supporting the existence of an all-inclusive health insurance
You need to provide documentation that you have full health coverage, or enough money in your bank account to cover any potential healthcare costs. There are a couple of ways to do this:
- copy of the social insurance card issued by the Hungarian authorities
- business health insurance policy entitling the applicant to use comprehensive healthcare services, and the document confirming the payment of the insurance premium
- bank account statement for the cover of the potential healthcare expenses
Documents supporting the existence of provisions to leave the country
For this category, you simply need to prove that you have enough money and the correct travel documents to leave Hungary. To prove this you must provide:
- A return air ticket OR sufficient funds (proven through bank statements or equivalent documentation) to cover the cost of a return ticket
- A valid passport or necessary permit allowing the third country national to return to his/her country of origin
Residence Permit Application Submission Procedure
Once you have compiled all of the above documents (as well as those listed in Part Two of this series), you will need to submit your application. You can do this in person or online at EnterHungary. EnterHungary works pretty well and lets you skip the hours-long wait at the immigration office. The administrative service fee charged to submit your application is EUR 60. If you submit your application through EnterHungary, you will be given instructions on how to pay online. If you submit your application in person, you will pay the Immigration Officer who is processing your application.
Once you have submitted your application, you will need to make an in-person appointment to have your biometric data (fingerprints and photograph). This information will be used when your residence permit is issued. While you wait for your application to be approved, you will receive a temporary residence permit (a small piece of paper which has your information printed onto it stating that you are legally allowed to be in the country, even though you do not have an approved residence permit yet). Be advised that you should not leave the country or try to use this as a travel document to cross borders. It will probably be taken away from you and you will not be allowed back into the country, unless you are from a visa-free country.
We hope this pocket guide provided a bunch of useful information and it caused a relief.
We wish you good luck with the procedure!
Photo credit: Jens Jonhnsson – https://www.pexels.com/hu-hu/@jens-johnsson-14223
[1] TCN TIP: have your employer help you fill out these forms. While you can do it on your own, it’s a lot easier if someone from your company checks the information you’ve provided to make sure all of the official details coincide with their own records.
[2] TCN TIP: When you submit your residence permit application, double check the maximum duration that you’re eligible to be given under the residence permit. You want to make sure that your passport does not expire within the next year. For example, if I am eligible to get a residence permit for two years but my passport expires in one year, then the Immigration Office will only give me a residence permit valid for one year (matching the passport date of expiration).
[3] As a general rule, and when possible, you should always ask for housing documents that are either in (1) English or, (2) in English and Hungarian. There are far too many stories of TCNs getting kicked out of their apartments because of some random Hungarian clause in their contract that they didn’t understand.
[4] Make sure to tell your landlord that you will be submitting documents proving Hungarian accommodation. Some flat owners would rather you not submit a rental agreement, and submit this “document approving the use of flat by courtesy” instead. There is nothing wrong with this, it just needs to be clarified between you and your landlord beforehand.
[5] This type of document is usually submitted when you have a super temporary place of residence. For example, let’s say you are living in an Airbnb or hostel for a short period of time (2-3 months). You would submit documents proving this to the Immgration office.