Immigrants from Romania learn how to run or set up a business
The face to face MIraGE Trainings for TCNs in Romania have been appreciated by the immigrants from Bucharest, Constanta and Iasi!
Labour market participation is regarded as a key precondition for social inclusion of migrants and refugees and a defining element of the integration process into society as a whole. More than that, labour market integration of migrants is also important in the long run, as it can be a part in helping, at least to some extent or in the future, to cushion the effects of a lack of skilled labour.
Novapolis Association – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development held three face to face trainings ”Migrant Entrepreneur in Romania” in big cities from Romania – Constanta, Bucharest and Iasi, where significant number of migrants are living.
The trainings aimed to promote entrepreneurship as a key factor of the access, integration and competitiveness on the labour market among non-EU citizens with a legal stay in Romania were implemented both in the Romanian and English language. Presentations and discussions focused on the Romanian legal framework and requirements that should be fulfilled as well as on good practices among other migrant entrepreneurs and the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
A total number of 57 Third-Country Nationals have participated in the trainings and had the opportunity to find out key information and practical advices on what it means to be a good entrepreneur in order to succeed in Romania. Also they learned techniques on how to identify business ideas, how to crystalize an idea in the sense of organizing a business, how to launch a product or a service in the market, how to plan all the activities and most importantly, how to obtain funding in various stages of development of their business.
The trainings took place with the involvement of the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania AIDRom and the Community of the Bassarabian Youth Constanta who are active at local level providing assistance and support for TCNs and refugees in Romania.
The participants appreciated the trainings and considered valuable all the information provided:
“You talk my language, understand my needs and provided me with real information…now I know what are the steps to follow in order to have success with my business. Thank you!” migrant from Bucharest
“Many thanks for all the information, especially those regarding the funding sources and the Start-up Nation Program!” migrant from Iasi
“This training course was very important for me because I learned what are the procedures, national specific legislation and what type of business I can chose to open in Romania.” migrant from Constanta
Photo’s credit Novapolis Association