Meet Iman, who finds the happiness in Bulgaria
Iman is from Iraq. She is qualified in several areas – information technology, electronics and repair of electrical devices.

The topic of migrants is widely discussed, but often misinterpreted. In an attempt to change that, we will share a few stories about third-country nationals with the right to work in our country, who, contrary to popular belief, are successfully integrated into the Bulgarian labor market and contribute to the development of the country’s economy.
Our series is part of the MIraGE project, on which WCIF is working with partners from several European countries. The project aims to ease the access and integration of third-country nationals who seek employment in the host countries of the European Union.
Iman Naji is part of this project.
Iman is from Iraq. She is qualified in several areas – information technology, electronics and repair of electrical devices. For some time she had worked for a charity that helps the poor. One day, however, her happy life is threatened by terrorists, who threaten to kill her if she continues to do so. In order not to put herself and her family at risk, Iman decides to search for safety. She connects Bulgaria with childhood memories and stories from her uncle, who visited the country and shared with her that local people treat foreigners with respect.
From the moment Iman set foot on Bulgarian soil, she felt protected, and the people seemed natural and sincere. She quickly decides to settle here and starts looking for a job. She temporarily works as an Arabic translator for a lawyer and then in a restaurant kitchen, but a health problem prevents her from continuing. She is now happy to have found her place – a non-governmental organization in Harmanli that helps refugees and migrants. She feels useful in helping people with similar destinies, and she is grateful to her colleagues for their help to adapt in the beginning. She is surrounded by kind and supportive people and feels really happy.
Iman is married to a Bulgarian who introduces her to many of our traditions and customs. She continues to get to know Bulgaria because she already feels as her home and wants to be useful to society with her knowledge and skills.