A TCN’s pocket guide to success in Hungary
Navigating the ‘Work Permit’ in Hungary: Part 2 - Popping the “Big Question” to your Hungarian Employer So, you’ve decided you would like to apply for the Residence Permit for the Purpose of Employment (employment RP)? Fantastic. This permit is for those TCNs that...
Interview with the consultant Laura Cârlan on starting and developing a business with the support of grants
During the trainings the consultant Laura Cârlan helped immigrants identifying funding opportunities in Romania We disscused with the consultant Laura Cârlan about her experience within the MIRAGE trainings and about how...
The MIraGE Trainings for Employers in Romania started on 30th of March 2021!
Employers from Iasi, Romania learn how to successfully recruit refugees and third-country nationals On 30th of March 2021, Novapolis Association held in Iasi, Romania, the first training for employers that were interested...