MIraGE partners’ meeting, October 2021
Face to face and online, to discuss best practices and lessons learned The final meeting gathering the partners of MIraGE was held on Friday 15 October 2021, in a hybrid mode: while some partners’ representatives met face...
Immigrants from Romania learn how to run or set up a business
The face to face MIraGE Trainings for TCNs in Romania have been appreciated by the immigrants from Bucharest, Constanta and Iasi! Labour market participation is regarded as a key precondition for social inclusion of...
Meet Mahdi from Iran, who has been living in Bulgaria for 16 years
Mehdi was born in 1981 in Tehran, where he studied architecture and worked as a designer in various construction companies. The topic of migrants is widely discussed, but often misinterpreted. In an attempt to change that,...